Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Not for Sensitive Skin

Disclaimer: No, this is not in any way connected to anything dermatological in nature.

Take away the irritation, annoyance and frustration, I should be extremely grateful to my so-called "friends" who had intentionally (or, hopefully, unintentionally) misconstrued my every action and misinterpreted my every word. Their "concern" has helped me develop an immunity to anything and everything not nice thus curing me from that uncomfortable state of having sensitive skin.

Oh yes, I suffered so much, well, mostly, emotionally, with my sensitive skin before. I was so incredibly sensitive back then that I used to cry (oh yes, I did shed all those tears, believe me!) at the slightest provocation.

Fortunately for me, I had help with my "treatment." Real friends who never withdrew their support, family who never lessened their life and time who never forced me to face life head on until it's right for me to do so.

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