Tuesday, June 28, 2005

muffled thoughts #09

What would you change in your life if you'll be granted the opportunity to live it all over again?

At the risk of being accused of dwelling in the could've beens and might've beens, I welcome the idea of change. I had done a lot of things in my youth that I now wholeheartedly regret.

~ I should've majored in Literature instead of Asian Studies. Although I did enjoy learning all those things Japanese, I can't help but wonder what would've happend if I had pursued one of my dreams. Would I feel the satisfaction that I continually crave for? Would I be able to outgrow the insecurity that I can't ignore?

~ I should've been nicer. If by any miraculous circumstance, YOU're able to read this, I sincerely apologize for being a BITCH. Looking back, I've realized that it could've been a start of a beautiful freindship but I messed it up. Hopefully, one day, we'll see each other and I can finally say "Sorry" that is already 24 (and counting....) years too late.

~ I should've not acted such a brat when maturity in decision-making was badly needed. Because of my stubbornness, I lost so much that it would take this lifetime, and then some, to make up for it.

~ I should've thought of the future instead of focusing on the present. No one can't stop the passage of time and all of us will be facing the inevitability. Instead of selfishly enjoying the present, I should've started planning for the future.


JO said...

a choice is a choice. sad to say, once we made a CHOICE, we have to live with it for the rest of our lives, whether we like it or not.

the good thing is, we still have the power of choice to do things "our way"... just rememeber, its never too late to make a change! just choose to make that change!


sushigirl said...

yeah!!!!! that's why I'm seriously operating on "better late than never" mode ;)