Saturday, June 04, 2005

Job Hunting

It's been more than a decade since I went through the usual rounds of written and oral examinations normally required for a job seeker to take. Amazingly, the process is still the same and I honestly believe even the test questions are the very ones I took way back then. I'm sure, somehow, there are changes but the only thing glaringly obvious to me is ME.

I can't actually put into words the emotions going through me as I see these fresh graduates excitedly comparing notes, what schools they're from, what companies they've applied to, etc. Maybe, I have turned cynical with time and, yes, experience, but hearing their innocent chatter makes me realize that, yes, I still have some semblance of idealistic dreams left. I don't know what will happen next or will I ever be given another chance to prove something to myself in spite of the age factor, but this experience instill a glimmer of hope within me.

Maybe I can turn things around..... soon....


JO said...

are you job hunting???

sushigirl said...

obvious ba? bwa-ha-ha!

JO said...

por que??? kuwento!!!

sushigirl said...

uhmmm.... better late than never.... ;)