Monday, May 23, 2005

Amazing Race 7

Finally, it is over!!!! It's been a heart-stopping race towards the ultimate prize that is a million dollars!

First, I have to admit this. I'm not a certified Amazing Race fan. Usually, I just wait for the final race before I sit down in front of my trusty TV set and savor the excitement. But this season is a bit different. How so? Rob and Amber, that's why!

I never watch a single episode of Survivor. I can't understand what's so great about it. So when I heard that a Suvivor couple would join the race, I went "Duh?!?" But, then, my curiosity was somehow piqued with the things I've heard about them. Besides, I figured out that it's time I follow the race from the beginning.

There they were. The 11 pairs were trying not to be the first to be eliminated. Hmm..... There seemed to be nothing extra-ordinary about Rob and Amber, well, except that my blood curdled at the mere sight of Rob's smirk.

So, the race went on. Oh my!!!!! I was aware that the Amazing Race was a competition and there was absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to win. But conspiring with the driver not to open the door? It might have appeared to be a harmless prank to some but I was beginning to clearly see the meanness in Rob and Amber.

Ok, without a doubt, they were a strong team and they were actually very good in outwitting the other teams. But, in order to survive in Life's race, you just don't need a working mind, you also need to have a beating heart. You need a heart that is big enough to go for the win and, at the same time, be considerate towards the people with you.

I guess, in a karmic sort of way, that's where Rob and Amber lost to Uchena and Joyce. The former were so engrossed in their "win" that they forgot life is a cycle. You reap what you sow. It may not be immediate but it will happen accordingly.

I'm not saying that Uchena and Joyce didn't deserve to win. They do and I'm sure most of the audience were cheering them on. It would be hypocritical to say that they joined the contest not because of the money. They wanted that one million dollars badly but, somehow, they're able to prove that helping your fellow racers won't hurt your chances. It would instead "guide" you to the right patch and everything will fall into it's proper place. Uchena can never be more right when he said that he gave out love that's why he got love in return.

Good luck to Uchena and Joyce! May God grant their fondest wish!

1 comment:

JO said...

Suze, you should visit this blog, she's also into korean movies - something you both have in common. hehehe...