Tuesday, March 08, 2005

muffled thoughts #01

As far back as I can recall, I've always wanted to write. I am always at my most relaxed whenever I'm holding a pen and a piece of blank paper. It's as if I I am all powerful in creating anything and everything with nary a thought or care to anybody and everybody. For me, the words, sentences and paragraphs I painstakingly and wholeheartedly composed come from my soul. They are the most "me" than anything else in my person. But, then again, it is weird because I'm also at my most uncomfortable when strangers read my thoughts. How would you feel if strangers can see through you?

So, why did I create this blog? Simply because I need an outlet to pour out the pain, the angst and the fear that have been hounding me all these years. I need an outlet to clear my mind of the doubts, the trauma and the confusion that have been misleading me all these years. I need an outlet to unload the sorrow, the emptiness and the burden that have been making me blind all these years.

After almost three months of blogging, the very idea of other people reading my innermost thoughts is still icky, to say the least (hehehehe), but the enveloping lightness around my heart is absolutely worth it. The emotional scars are, indeed, still fresh but the journey to self-acceptance has definitely begun.


JO said...

Its ok if other bloggers will read your innermost thoughts and feelings, its not like they know you personally. But somewhere out there, someone can read your posts and relate to your personal experiences.

I personally enjoy visiting your site and just read your posts. Keep it up.

sushigirl said...

thank you, friend ;)

it's not easy but i am trying...