Saturday, March 05, 2005

Da Vinci Code

I'll probably get shot or cursed for this, but I just don't get it. I don't get why the big fuss over Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. Brilliant writing aside, it's just a novel. Although it is a successful merger of fact and fiction, I find it extremely odd that people are actually taking it very seriously.

I had read a lot of theories, ranging from the incredible to downright inane, regarding the existence of God. There was even one that explored in depth the possibility of God being an alien.

I think all these hoopla stemmed from the fear of the unknown. We've been taught that God is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere, still, no one can really provide any tangible proof. All we have is faith and for some that's just not enough. Thus, people have always been on the look-out for any plausible, but not necessarily logical, explanation. Anything that has a semblance of "truth" is acceptable.

Don't get me wrong, I can't unravel the mystery either. I am as curious as everybody else and I did try to use other means, besides faith, to understand the why, how, what, when and who of life. But, as years passed and with all the lessons from life, I've learned not to question. Instead, I have given my complete and unconditional trust to the Supreme Being who have already mapped out my life but still bestow upon me the freedom to choose whether to stay on His course or otherwise.

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