Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Less than a month from now, a new year will begin....

Looking back at the last eleven months of 2008, i learned a very important lesson on how to deal with people. Never assume that you know what others think.... No two people think like, even twins, so it's humanly impossible to say that you know what others are thinking or feeling... It took me quite a while for really understand the concept because i used to pride myself as somewhat a considerate person and all... but, i was floored!!!!! it took a really big blow to my pride to be actually aware that i don't really know what i was talking or proud about. although, i still tend to believe that i can effectively sympathize, i am really learning to instill within myself that i am, in reality, fooling myself in that belief. i don't know how others think or feel because i'm not them and likewise, i should NEVER expect others to know how or what i feel because they're not me. hopefully, by next year, i can say that i've become a better person.

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