Thursday, November 27, 2008


When a friend first mentioned to me about this book, called, twilight, i was like, DUH?!? Then she told me that it was about a romance between a human girl and a vampire... i went, "Mercy! I haven't gotten over how Joss Whedon tore Buffy and Angel apart!" No more impossible romance plots for me, please.

About couple of months ago, I began getting all those news regarding twilight books and movies, how it was one of the highly-anticipated book-to-movie event, yada-yada, so i told myself, read it and be done with it. Against my better judgement, i borrowed the twilight books... and, well...i must say, it's addicting.

I'm not sure how twilighters would react, but I honestly believe the the 4 volumes could be condensed in 2-book series. Give me a break, how many heartless bloodsuckers are out there planning to kill bella anyway? One book solely devoted to bella's reckless attempts to "hear" edward's voice and edward's pointless attempts to sacrifice his one true love for the greater good. Another book talked nothing about one of those heartless bloodsucker out to avenge her lover's demise. Call me heartless, but, I would be happier with just two books.

Going back to my addiction, well, I must say that I'm quite satisfied with the movie version. Although I was initially not to be jumping for joy with robert pattinson as edward cullen (maybe because he will always be cedric diggory to me!), he had proven to be edward cullen. With a little subtle changes here and there (for cinematic purposes, i think), the movie remains true to the book and for that I am grateful to the production people.

Although I'm not THAT crazy over the book 2 and book 3, I will still be looking forward to seeing bella and edward onscreen. Yes, this is an addiction! hehehehehe

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