Tuesday, June 30, 2009


For the past couple of days, people have been chastisizing me on how I manage my finances. Why did I have to take a vacation when I should have saved the money instead? There's no need to buy a new phone.... Why do I always joke about asking for money?

Ok, I know that money is very important. But, in the truest sense of its relevance, can money really buy what we really want? I'm not justifying my expenses but I am just about this close in shouting SHUT UP ALREADY! I did not ask for any vacation funds nor did I beg for my phone.

Ok, I get the picture on saving for rainy days. I may not have the 7 figures bank balance or what have you, but I am very much aware of that.

I just wish that these people instead of criticizing my every actions, they should look at themselves and maybe, just maybe, they could stifle the urge to crash the mirror into smithereens.


Ruby and Robinn said...

My take on that is that as long as I don't have to borrow the money, then it's okay.

We work hard to have money, it is only right that we enjoy the fruits of our labor.

sushigirl said...

thank you for your thoughts...

i really do understand the concern but i just can't get over the underlying malice.... sigh