Sunday, May 24, 2009


I really try to be a good person... HONEST!!! but, it's so d*** frustrating because my sincerity was always misconstrued, misinterpreted, and mistaken to be another thing. Ok! So, I have this folly of putting my foot in my mouth... Hey! It's not as if I have the major stake on that. DO NAME ME A PERSON WHO SAYS ALL THE RIGHT THINGS EVERYTIME! Seriously, people, stop being hypocrites!!! You people can lambast others with such delicious glee and I can't even say anything negative at all!!! DUH!!! Worst of all, I can't even call a person, Ma'am?!? Because that person read it as me wanting to be called Ma'am in return?!? DUH!?! ARE YOU PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR PUNY MINDS?

I really try to chalk up all these things as your typical workplace intrigues. I guess, they really are but somehow your immature antics just irritate the hell out of me. I just don't get it why you people operate on envy with such gusto. There are times that I SO WANT TO CREATE AN INTRICATE WEB FOR YOU PEOPLE TO FALL but, don't worry, I WON'T STOOP TO YOUR DEGRADING LEVEL. I may have a short fuse of a temper but I wont' waste it on you. Gossip all you want. Insult all you want. Malign all you want. I may show cracks once in a while but I won't break down. So, when the time comes all of these things backfire on you, there will be a hint of smirk and muffled "Loser!"


JO said...

cool ka lang... ang puso mo...

sushigirl said...

yeah! i just need to get it off my chest. even though dedma mode ako, they do get to me sometimes kaya hayan aning-aning na naman ako! ;)