Tuesday, April 19, 2005

muffled thoughts #05

Thinking about it now, I can't seem to recall what were the shows I was watching during my gradeschool years. Okay, there were some flashbacks of the me singing, Mekanda, Mekanda Robot during Mondays, Daimos' Richard and Erica professing their true and undying love on Tuesdays, of my tummy hurting in uncontrollable laughter everytime Aphrodite A fired her only weapon in Mazinger Z every Wednesdays, my still unanswered question regarding the origin of UFO Grendaizer shown on Thursdays and how I would slip on a catatonic state whenever I started hearing, "Let's Volt In!" in Voltes V on Fridays. Of course, there's also Balatack, Danguard Ace, Jac Q, Star Rangers, etc on other channels.

Strangely enough, even though the administration that time deemed these shows as violent, I found them to be more educational than what are being shown nowadays.

I'll be right back after the break...


JO said...

hey suze! i got the chance to watch all 40 episodes of voltes v again just last december (2004)... and watching it with my kids this time, I realized that it is indeed very violent for the children... my kids were able to watch the first 10 episodes, after that, I just let them watched the last 6 episodes... its the same every episodes anyway... hehehe....

sushigirl said...

talaga?!? i guess, it's different when you look at them as a parent then.....

i chanced upon a show last holy week, baki the grappler and i was horrified. no joke! sort of like a wrestling match and it's so gory....