Friday, February 27, 2009


I think I am slowly going out of my mind.....

I just don't get how some of the people around me think... If I react to something, I became an arrogant fool, BUT, if I keep my opinions to myself, I'm branded an unfeeling jerk... OMG!!! Where in the world should I turn to?!?

Is it really just ME?!? Did I really change that much? for the bad and worst?!?

But, then again, if they're really true to me, instead of giving me the cold shoulder (whenever they feel like it!), why don't they simply be honest to me?!? Don't I even deserve that much (or less)?!?

I'm so tired of trying to adapt, adjust and give in to their fickle whims and unreasonable tantrums. Don't get me wrong, I'm liable to transform myself but I try to follow something my parents taught me, if I'm about to say something negative, better keep it to myself because there is absolutely no way I can take back spoken words, whether it's unintentional or otherwise.

AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! If only it's morally acdeptable for me to scream BLOODY MURDER to these people!!!!!!

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