Saturday, February 12, 2005

Valentine's Day

Two more days of mushy love songs, corny gift ideas and pitying looks, but, hey, I know I will survive.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against Valentine's Day. I love reading romantic novels and watching romantic movies. But, I totally get so irritated when people "sympathize" with my so-called miserable single state.

Okay, I probably won't achieve that "perfect" happiness or fulfill my "destiny" as a woman, but, should I be mocked time and again on how "incomplete" my existence appears to be?

I may not have found my better half so does that make me a lesser individual? I hope I won't give the impression of being bitter. It's the frustration talking here, believe me!

I did dream of "and they live happily ever afters" growing up. I even had a clear picture in my mind on how my ideal man would be. But, when reality set in, I learned to accept the possibility of carrying my father's name until the day I meet my Maker.

Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy. Instead of giving me "tips" on how to find the right partner, come and celebrate life with me!


JO said...

I have an aunt in Cebu who remains single up to now and she's quite happy with being single. She's able to fulfill all her dreams like travelling. She is surrounded by kids (nieces and nephews) -- and you know what that means -- never a dull moment!

As long as your happy Suze, that is all that matters!

sushigirl said...

my thoughts exactly, jo! hopefully, the "great" majority realizes that, too...